Charity holidays for Bucha children

Charity cinema holidays are the most responsible moment of the 2022 summer. After the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine, a lot of woe happened - and that touched the kids. Thanks to Aliona Tymoshenko, a founder and CEO of Ukrainian Film School, a two-week journey happened with the kids that underwent Russian occupation in Bucha - and it happened to the world of cinema
From July 18, a two-week charity film camp for children who survived the occupation in Buchа was held. Under the supervision of professional curators of the Ukrainian Film School, they shot their own short film

«The other side»: children from Bucha, who survived the Russian occupation, made a film

Children who survived the Russian occupation of the city of Buchа, Kyiv region, will shoot a film for two weeks with the support of the teachers of the Ukrainian Cinema Kids school as part of the «Film Vacation» project organized by the Ukrainian Film School

Children from Bucha will make a film together with Ukrainian directors

The Ukrainian Film School organized the two-week «Film Holidays» project for 20 children from Bucha. This is a day camp from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Bucha's children will shoot the film together with Ukrainian directors - when the premiere

The «Film Holidays» project is organized by the Ukrainian Film School. The tape will tell about the childhood and bright future of children in Ukraine. It will be filmed in Kyiv and Bucha

Children from Bucha will make a film together with Ukrainian directors

I like working with children, but here I needed a special approach. Twenty one children felt the magic of cinema and could unwind from the war - and that was our main goal. Our mission is «To save a childhood» as it’s very important for our nation now.

During shooting, every team member commits maximum of his/her offort, and so do kids, who brought their ideas and creativity to the film. A lot of those things were saved, as I understand the importance not only of the creative process, but also the moment of memory and pride - the moment when children are making a film. This is the most honest cinema, about splendid children.

Teaser to film «The other side»

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